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Honey cake with butter cream and chocolate

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Honey cake with butter cream and chocolate

0.5dlBoiling water
1cupDr. oekter chopped apelsinsskal
1bagDr. oekter gingerbread spice
175gSoft butter
2dlIcing sugar
4dlWheat flour

Instructions for Honey cake with butter cream and chocolate

To prepare the Honey cake with butter cream and chocolate recipe, please follow these instructions:

Melt butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan and let it cool off. Stir eggs, buttermilk, wheat flour, honeycomb spices and chopped orange peel into the mixture and put the dough in a small spring form. Bag the cake approx. 1 hour at 150 degrees and allow to cool before flaking. Stir the butter cream of flour, water and butter into a butter-cream cream. Lay the cream between the cakes and decorate with approx. 100 gr. Melted chocolate. Put the cake in the fridge until the cream is stiffened.