Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook
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Good advice from Rinkenæs-the very best

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 35 pcs

Ingredients for Good advice from Rinkenæs-the very best

125gIcing sugar
2tspVanilla sugar
250gWheat flour

Instructions for Good advice from Rinkenæs-the very best

To prepare the Good advice from Rinkenæs-the very best recipe, please follow these instructions:

All ingridienser are jumbled together, and resting in cool for the next day.
The dough is cut into approximately 35 pieces and roll into balls. (is a little greasy)
Bake on a advice iron while you count to 16. Remember to turn the iron.
The cakes should be light brown, thin and crispy.
Uses no extra fat to iron.

The cakes can be stored in a tightly sealed Tin of cake if they are not eaten before they reach so far. Bake most for Christmas but can of course be eaten throughout the year. An "old fashioned" wise advice iron put directly on the stove, but you can also buy an electric iron, which bakes very good advice fortrindelige cakes.