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French bread with Durum from Skiveren

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for French bread with Durum from Skiveren

1.5kgWheat flour
1.5lFluid (foam-easy-whole milk-water-cream) mix what you just

Instructions for French bread with Durum from Skiveren

To prepare the French bread with Durum from Skiveren recipe, please follow these instructions:

Melt the margarine and liquid in it and snug it all came to 38 degrees. There's little junket can also be filled in, but it must not, however, warmed. Dissolve the yeast in a little of the milk and add sugar. Came the rest of the liquid in 500 g Flour in. together with a little wheat flour. Stir well with a spoon. Salted granted. Came more flour in and knead when not there can stir more. Came no more flour in the dough to remain steady and smooth than, but nevertheless release the hands. The dough can be covered and resolved to uplift for one to two hours. Then pour the dough out on the table and it is split into three portions, each molded to a loaf of bread. Com wax paper on a plate and put all three broke at and let them after raising approximately 45 min. they should like to raise a little into each other. Heat oven up to 200 degrees. Loaves pricked with a kødnål and brushed with the beaten egg. Bake in the middle of the oven ca. 30-40 min. when the time is up, invert a loaf of bread on his head. If it sounds hollow when tapped on it, it is baked. If not, it must have a little longer. Loaves are deducted from each other and allow to cool.