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Cheese Bread

Bread, buns & biscuits
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 bread

Ingredients for Cheese Bread

a littleGrated cheese
1Egg white
3dlLukewarm water
7-8dlWheat flour

Instructions for Cheese Bread

To prepare the Cheese Bread recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mix 7 dl. Flour with salt, crumbled yeast, oil and cheese in a bowl. Add lukewarm water and knead the dough smoothly. Add more flour if necessary and allow the dough to rise to double size.

Pour the dough through the table and form it into a round bread. Let it adhere to a warm place and warm the oven to 225 degrees C. Brush with egg white or water and sprinkle with a little grated cheese. Bake bread approx. 30 minutes or until the bread is golden and feels easy.

Let it cool down on a baker.