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Advent cake

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 60 pcs

Ingredients for Advent cake

1Egg yolk
1.25tspBicarbonate of soda
2tspGround ginger
400gWheat flour
50gFinely chopped pommeransskal

Instructions for Advent cake

To prepare the Advent cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Heat syrup, sugar and pommeransskal to the boiling point. Cool it a bit. Stir in margarine and then egg and cream. Mix ginger and bicarbonate of soda in the flour and stir it gradually in the warm mass. Let the dough rest uncovered at least a few days. It's pretty steady.

Com flour on dough and hands and knead it on a floured board. Roll it out in 2-3 mm thickness. Share evt. the dough. The stick-out in round cakes-ca. 8-10 cm in diameter. Set cakes on plate with wax paper with good distance, since they raise and flows slightly out. Bake at approx. 175 ° in 15-20 min. Cool on wire rack.

The dough can, if you don't have time to wait, put on ice 1-2 hours and bake. Eaten greased with butter. Stored in cans