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Recipes with Zucchini

Mains Lemon both Lukewarm water in a quantity so the dough will get the right consistency Oil to the Fryer ...

Mix flour, lukewarm water, 3 tablespoons. Oil and salt in a mixing bowl. Stir the ingredients together to a non-thin, smooth cream. For best results, they allow the dough to rest after mixing for a few hours at normal room temperature. However, the dough can b

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The dough can be made in a stir machine or of course in your hand. Bring the flour into a large bowl. Warm the liquid until it is lukewarm. Dissolve the yeast here and stir the liquid in the dough, knead or stir the dough. Slowly salt in and end to knead the o

Mains Nutmeg Garlic Butter ...

Cut the zucchini into small pieces and place them in a pan with a little olive oil and garlic. Saute them so they are tender and put them in a blender, add salt and pepper and blend to a coarse lot. Season the spinach with oil and put it in a sieve, so all the

Mains Nutmeg Garlic Butter ...

Cut the zucchini into small pieces and place them in a pan with a little olive oil and garlic. Saute them so they are tender and put them in a blender, add salt and pepper and blend to a coarse lot. Season the spinach with oil and put it in a sieve, so all the

Mains Extra virgin olive oil Salt Baking soda ...

Tear the half of the zucchini and carrots and add salt. Let it drag for 10 minutes. Squeeze as much fluid as you can. Add egg, (1/2 teaspoon) salt, spelled flour (can be replaced with almond flour) and baking soda. Mix well. Form the mass to meatballs. Step in

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Rinse and clean carrot and leek. Cut them into slices and put them in a pot of parsley. Pour water and wine in and add the spices. Bring it to boil and simmer approx. 10 minutes. Put the broth, pour it back into the pan and taste it with a little salt. Cut

Mains Black pepper Finely chopped garlic Dried oregano ...

Roughing græskarret good exterior. Cut a lid in the end where the stem sits. Foundry core and the filamentary fiber scrape out with a spoon, both of the lid and græskarret. Brush the inside with soft butter and sprinkle some græskarret with sugar into it, s

Salads Pepper Salt Spanish onions ...

Stir in oil, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar, Basil and salt and pepper together in a salad bowl. Rinse the apples, cut them into quarters, remove the core House and cut the flesh into thin slices, which reversed thoroughly in the marinade. Taste the marinade; It