Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vildtsky (broth can be used)

Mains Pepper Salt Butter muffin of 25 g butter and 20 g flour ...

The pearls are rubbed with the spices. Brown on both sides over not excessive heat in the butter, add oil. The wild cloud is added, and then cream 13%. The meat is cooked by low heat for about 15 minutes, then taken up and kept warm. The sliced ​​mushrooms are

Mains Pepper Salt Butter muffin of 25 g butter and 20 g flour ...

Perlehøne breasts rubbed with spices. Brown on both sides over not too strong heat in butter, added oil. Game cloud added, and then whipped 13%. The meat cooked on a low heat for about 15 minutes, then taken up, and kept warm. The sliced mushrooms FRY in a