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Recipes with Small squids

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Rinse the squid in cold water. Drag the head of and the guts that accompanies. cut the arms of catch. Pull the thin membrane of the body. Squeeze the remaining content out and rinse the squid well. Mix oil, lemon juice, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper in a bo

Mains Pepper Salt Strong Mint ...

Preparation of squid: the offal taken out and the smaller arms can possibly. used in conjunction with the white envelope, which is the body. These cut into rings. We cannot get fresh squid, one can make do with the rings, which can be purchased frozen, but the

Mains Lemon Sea salt Corn flour ...

Peppercorns and salt is poured into a mortar and crush. The squid cut into small pieces, body cut into rings. Mix pepper, salt and flour well in a bag and pour the squid pieces therein. Swing the bag around, until the pieces are covered with melblandingen. War