Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sausage, raw 11% fat

Mains Sea salt Pepper Salt ...

Place the medisin sauce in plenty of salty water and bring to a boil, take 5-10 minutes in the water. The sausage is cut into pieces approx. 10 cm. And fry on a griddle or greasy frying pan 8-10 minutes. Clean the vegetables. Cut leeks and carrot into th

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Potatoes ...

Place the medisin sauce in plenty of salty water and bring to a boil, take 5-10 minutes in the water. The sausage is cut into pieces approx. 10 cm. And fry on a griddle or greasy frying pan 8-10 minutes. Boil the vegetables in the cooking water from the