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Recipes with Raw rice

Mains Curry Pepper Chicken ...

Leek cut into slices and boil 1 min. in the broth. The rice is added at the bottom of a casserole dish. Leeks and bouillon is poured over. Peas, salt, pepper and Curry met by and the blended. The chicken is split into 4 and placed on top of the mixture. Be mad

Sides Pepper Salt Mustard seed ...

Came rice, mustard seed and the finely chopped vegetables and broth in a saucepan. Boil the mixture for about 15 minutes with the lid on the pan. Turn off the heat and let the rice rest 10 min herbal Taste accordingly with salt and pepper.

Cold cuts 1 small pickled cucumber Curry Cress or watercress ...

Cook the rice and cool them completely. Chop the onion finely and peberfrugten cut into small cubes. Let the mushrooms, then drain away. Chop the cucumber coarsely, if you use it. Tube kvarken lind with a little water or low-fat milk and taste it strongly w