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Recipes with Portobellosvampe

Sides Pepper Salt Batate (sweet potato) ...

Remove the slats in the sponge, cut the stalk and chop it. Peel bataten and cut it into small squares. Saute the bataten tender in butter, parsley and stick in turn Put the stuffing in the cavity on the fungus. and increased the ca. 10 min. in the oven at 185

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Olive oil for brushing ...

Halve the tomatoes and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drip a few drops of olive oil on and put them under the grill for approximately 15-20 minutes in medium-distance from the grill. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot. Portobellosvampen also swabbed with a littl

Appetizers Fresh oregano Pepper Salt ...

Remove the stem and cut each fungus in 4 pieces, depending on size. Put mushrooms pieces upside down on a baking pan with baking paper. Came oil, salt and pepper, cheese and pine nuts on the fungus. Cakes in the oven at 225 degrees for about 8 minutes. Sprinkl

Appetizers Eggs Boursin cheese Pine nuts ...

Clean the mushrooms and saute them in oil in a frying pan. Came the tomatoes on top and let them simmer with cheese over mushrooms Came and came. them in the oven under the grill to it looks delicious and finished out. Make a pesto by mixing garlic, pine nuts,