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Recipes with Oksebullion

Mains Other spices as needed Grøntsagsbullion Kyllingebullion ...

First peel potatoes, carrots, onions and parsnips and cut into slices. The oil is poured into a pan where it is heated. When the oil is warm, the different spices are put in, to extract the flavor from them. Remember and stir in the pan. It does not matter th

Soups A fingertip Rosemary A good handful of pasta screws Meat and dumplings ...

First bake the bacon in a saucepan, cut the celery celery into slices and the onions are cut into the tern, then add the celery and loose, raise it for approx. 3 min. Under stirring. Add the peeled tomatoes to the pan and add a dumpling dice and 5 dl. Water bo

Soups Cream Carrots Oil ...

Brown meat and onion in a little oil, must not Humpty Add paprika root vegetables chili sauce and tomato paste, let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add oksebullion, let it boil up and foam that. Let it småsimre again to the root vegetables are tender, about 20 minut