Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lemon sole fillets Skinless

Mains Wheat flour Oil Pepper ...

Red pepper cut into cubes and oiled until soft. Add white wine vinegar and boil until the vinegar is evaporated. Pour white wine and boil until half is evaporated. Add cream and fish broth and boil for 10 min. , Mix and season with salt and pepper. Rinse th

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Rice, wild ...

Cut the roughest ribs of spinach leaves and rinse them thoroughly in several layers of cold water. Put the spinach leaves in a pan with the water that hangs on. Steam them with high heat and stirring approx. 2 min. Or until they are "collapsed". Pour spinach i

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

First put the potatoes over. Blanches whole leaves from the cabbage. Give the red tuna fillets some salt and pepper. Roll the fillets into the cabbage leaves. Make about 6-8 rolls. Pour water and white wine into a pan. In this the steamed fillets are steame

Mains Pepper Salt White wine. dry ...

Sauce: Sauté Onions then add the white wine and boil in half. Then add coriander, chopped chilies, bouillon and whipping cream. The sauce is cooked through and season with lime juice and zest. Taken by the heat and beat in the egg yolk Sauce must not boil. aft

Soups Coarse salt Water Fish broth ...

Arrow Norway lobster tails-save the peels. 'S and SIP the fish. Cut it into smaller bite-sized pieces. Cut the bottom and top of the spring onions. Save the peaks and cut the cleaned scallions into thin strips. Remove the outer coarse leaves and stalk from

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Let the spinach thaw through and push the free from moisture. Steam it for a moment with a little lemon, season with salt and pepper and squeeze the garlic in the Pan from the heat. Tag. Sauce: Finely chop the onion and fry it and Arrow in a little butter,