Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Halibut fillets with skin

Mains Salt Lemon juice thereof Acacia honey ...

Wipe the halibut fillets and put them on a baking sheet on a piece of lettuceous aluminum oil. The skinside should be downwards. Crush the junk berries and spread them on top of the fish with a little salt. Heat the oven up to 250 degrees C. alm. oven. B

Mains Pesto made from basil and parmesan Pesto made of Sun-dried tomatoes Onion ...

Lightly sauté the rice in a little oil together with finely chopped onion and garlic. Hønsebouillonen added slowly as the rice can absorb væden. The boil by gentle heating. The rice must have, for they are tender, but may not be as tender as, round grain mille