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Recipes with Cooked green beans

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The pasta is boiled al dente, drained and cooled. Mayonnaise and lemon juice mix together and mix the cooled pasta with a little dressing. Pour the pasta into a bowl and mix with tomato, beans, olives and tuna. Season with salt and pepper. Then pour the rem

Salads Artichoke hearts in half-possibly. ½ can of Force garlic light dressing Black olives ...

Cheese and ham cut into tern, mix with finely sliced ​​salad, whole beans and arrange on a dish. The half-artichoke hearts, olives and brøndskars are laid on them. Put Garlic Light dressing on the table with the salad and make sure you have a good bread.

Cold cuts Whipped cream Cooked green peas Paradiso asparagus sandwich ...

Mayonnaise and whipped cream gently mix together and pour over the well-dripped vegetables. The salad is decorated with stripes of green beans and a few asparagus heads.

Mains Pepper Pressed garlic after taste Rosemary ...

Bank snitslerne out, so they are getting so big and flat as possible, and sprinkle them with pepper (not salt, because salt is enough feta). Advantage of finely chopped onion, Rosemary and feta cubes on one half of each snitsel, fold the other half over and cl

Mains Basil and oregano Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley ...

Behind the squashen at 190 degrees C in 25-30 minutes with the round side up. Fill the shells with the cooked beans. Mix the other ingredients well and favor butter mixture on top. Put in oven and Bake 15 minutes.

Mains EVS. watercress EVS. a little orange liqueur Cooked green beans ...

Peel citrus fruits and remove the white membrane. Cut the shell in super thin strips and give them a rehash in water. Rinse with cold water and dripping of in sight. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Brown the meat on both sides of the fat in a pan. Take the