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Recipes with Cod steaks

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The onions are chopped and lightly sliced ​​in butter without coloring. Add 4 dl of beer and cook to half. Cod sticks, about 2 cm thick, are turned into flour. Butter is melted on a forehead and the cod sticks are shortened, so they just color on each side.

Mains White wine. dry Curry Whipped cream ...

Cod stew of 1 1/2 cm or fillets are turned into spicy flour. In a refractory, greased dish put half the onions, cut into rings and half of the celery. The fish pieces are laid on and covered with the rest of onion and celery. White wine and cream are stirre

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Rub cod steaksne with a little salt and pepper and place them in an ovenproof dish. Wash the lemons well, grate it finely and sprinkle the shell over the cod steaksne. Drizzle with lemon juice and ½-1 tbsp olive oil (you can use butter instead of oil, the ta

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cod steaks in flour, invert and mix ellertorskefiletter with salt and pepper. The fried golden in oil and butter 7-8 minutes on each side, taken from the pan. Apples sliced, cored, stem and flower are removed, but the skin is not necessary to remove. The