Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chorizo, ½ cm thick (or other strong paprika sausage)

Sides Lemon, the juice from the Avocados Chorizo, ½ cm thick (or other strong paprika sausage) ...

Half the 2 avocados, peel them and remove the stones. Grill them a couple of minutes on each side and place them on a plate. Sprinkle them with the juice from the half lemon. Grill the 8 slices of chorizo ​​quite short on both sides, cut the slices into small

Mains EVS. popcorn Lemon, the juice from the Parsley ...

Oksetykstegsruller: Put the 8 slices of meat out on the table. Parsley parsley and garlic nicely and spread it on the meat slices. Roll each slice around the filling and squeeze a griddle so that the roll closes. Roll the rolls on the hot grill and grill for 3