Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with A-38

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar A-38 Fresh or frozen strawberries ...

Mix it all in a bowl and mix with a rod blender. Served ice cold w / cornflakes or chamber hunters.

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs A-38 Salt ...

6-grain mix, margarine and water mix and pull approx. ½ hour. After half an hour and after making sure the mixture is hand warm, mix the yeast. Leave the mixture to stand for approx. 10 min. Before mixing the other ingredients. The dough is kneaded until it is

Bread, buns & biscuits Wholemeal flour Salt Together the beaten egg ...

FiberHUSK is whipped in the water and swells up. The yeast is stirred in A-38, salt is added. The FiberHUSK mass is mixed with the A-38 mass with vigorous stirring. The flour is added and kneaded. Put the dough on a crispy plate and knead it well so that the d

Salads Pepper Juice from ½ lemon Salt ...

Broccoli is rinsed and cut into small fine bouquets. Dressing is stirred together by A-38, mustard, ketchup, lemon juice, salt, pepper and sugar. This is poured over the broccoli. Red onions are cut into fine tern and poured over. Pinnacles are shaken

Mains Pepper Salt Broccoli ...

Arrow and chin peeled and whitewashed. Clean the mushrooms and split the half broccoli into small bouquets. Bake the bacon in a large pot. Add the onions, garlic, mushrooms and broccoli and stir for 2-3 minutes. Add water so that it does not burn and flow i

Desserts (cold) The peel of ½ Orange Vanilla sugar Oranges ...

The strawberries are whipped out with A 38 and buttermilk, flavored with sugar and vanilla sugar. Squeeze the juice of the 2 oranges and add the juice into the milk mixture together with orange peel. Runs well and servers is cold.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Syrup Finax gluten-and lactose-free melmix ...

Day 1: 25 g yeast dissolve in 3.5 dl A-38 and 3.5 dl lukewarm water. Mix together with 400 g of coarse flour and set aside for a gentle spot for 24 hours. 500 grams of kernels or seeds (flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.) add a little salt and

Bread, buns & biscuits Flax seed Sesame seeds Cracked wheat kernels ...

All kernels and seeds are boiled together with water for 3 minutes. Put it in a bowl and get butter and a-38. Wait for the right tempo before yesterday. In the end, sift flour and knead well. Put directly on the plate and raise for about an hour. Bake at 2