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Wales buns

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Wales buns

a littleSalt
125gWheat flour

Instructions for Wales buns

To prepare the Wales buns recipe, please follow these instructions:

Smørdej: sieve the flour and knead quickly with the cold water and the vinegar. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth and easy, and it is made to rest about 15 minutes in a cool place.

Then rolling the dough into a rectangle. The fat is distributed now in small pieces on the 2/3 part of the dough, which merged in 3 layers, so that the part that is without butter, be first. Dough rolling and merged in the same way twice, after which it made to rest for about 20 minutes in a cool place.

This deployment is repeated 2-3 times now. Each time the dough be deployed starting from the opposite side, when your withdrawal will not take place uniformly. After the final roll out dough must rest 20 minutes.

It deploys now so large a piece, you have to apply, and the dough should remain about 15 minutes before determining when the otherwise after determining will pull together and shape of the punch waste will then be destroyed.

The dough must be ice-cold when placed on the plate. The oven is used, must be very hot, however, most from heat.

Vandbakkelsedej: the butter is melted, afbages with the sifted flour, after which the boiling water is added. When afbagningen drop spoon, remove the Pan from the heat, salt and stir in the eggs one at a time (the white and yolk together whipped before they pour into the hot dough, you risk not to white joins). When the dough is stirred well for about 20 minutes after the last egg is added to the dough is ready

Butter dough rolling and cut into squares of about 8 cm., and then vandbakkelses dough sprayed as a top on the center of each piece of dough. Butter dough four corners bent toward the Center and then bestrøs dough balls with sugar as well as possibly. chopped almonds. Wales dough balls set on plate, bake at good heat until light brown, and decorating with icing. Tiny wales buns can be served to the soup, but since omitted sugar and almonds.