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Steens gammeldaws medistorspølse

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Steens gammeldaws medistorspølse

1kgFlæskehak 18-22% fat
1.5m32/35 pig intestines
100gFinely chopped onion
1–2dlSoup (oscar pork broth)
40gWheat flour/bread crumbs

Instructions for Steens gammeldaws medistorspølse

To prepare the Steens gammeldaws medistorspølse recipe, please follow these instructions:

1 dl soup add the meat with onion, salt, pepper and egg, stir it around with your clean-handed hand, add the rasp or flour tube more, add a little more of the soup, the farmer can only take 1½ dl soup, the dough is stirred together So that it binds, it means that when you take a good handful of dad in your hand and allow it to hang freely in the air it must not be separated (not immediately). The spring is not stopped too hard in a swine arm 32/35 is available in div supermarket.

Yes it sprouts a little on the forehead but it did not matter. You can, if you can not live without, add ½ g of pea nutmeg per kg of meat, but forget about everything and carnations for Christmas. Remember the ice cream is the flood on the pig, we know it from the fries-sausage. The word isterband is also heard from time to time, and that means quite a bit of medisin sausage, ie a sausage with ice-cream. Clearly a pork streak on the tube with grease clumps. Enjoy. :-)

It's really amazing as you forget, for many years I've made fleshy medists who never really became true and why? Because every idiot knows well that it's so sweet that the taste lies, but we are so hysterical with fat. It does not matter with fat once in between as long as you do not exaggerate. The slow food that our parents made and taste tea amazing, we do not want to do anymore, but when my aunt Birthe makes jams, she buys a ½ pig head, boils it, the meat is taken off, greasy as well, but the most important is the soup too Called "æ spey" and that is the one we need for our pickles and medists. Now I did not crash and buy a ½ head, I snore and used Oscar pork broth when you cheat, use any Oscar products.