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Rhubarb Crunch

Desserts (warm)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Rhubarb Crunch

1½ - 2dlSugar
11dlRhubarb into cubes
150-160gMargarine or butter, cut into small pieces
2dlWheat flour + 2 tbsp
3 3/4dlBrown sugar
3/4dlOatmeal (small or large rolled)

Instructions for Rhubarb Crunch

To prepare the Rhubarb Crunch recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mix oatmeal, flour and brown dough with a kitchen processor (food processor). Not too much when the grits are otherwise destroyed. Add the butter and mix until it is completely stirred. You should still be able to see all the oatmeal. It must be a little dusty.

Mix in a bowl of rhubarb, 2 tablespoons. Flour, sugar, cinnamon and water until all is touched. Pour the rhubarb mixture into an oblong ovenproof dish (it must be glass or porcelain). Cover with oatmeal mixture, smoothly smoothed over all.

All baked in a preheated 175 ° C hot oven for approx. 45 min (1 hour if the oven is cold). The "crunch" is finished when the fruit bubbles around the edges, and the top is golden and crispy.

There are many variation options, strawberries and nuts can be mixed in, but then the sugar content will probably change.