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Pork Chops with Basillikumkartofler

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Pork Chops with Basillikumkartofler

Aqllround spice
1tbspBasillikum, dried
5dlWhipped cream
600gPork chops

Instructions for Pork Chops with Basillikumkartofler

To prepare the Pork Chops with Basillikumkartofler recipe, please follow these instructions:

The potatoes peeled, cut into slices and place in a baking dish, sprinkled well with Basil and Oriental barbecue spice and a little salt, then pour the cream over it and put in the oven at about 175 degrees c. alm. oven.

Then FRY it koteletterne half-finished, take them out of the frying pan and put them on top of the potatoes, which now have been about 40 min sku. it all FRY finished for the potatoes are ready (so is koteletterne it also) ca. 40 minutes more and serve with French bread and possibly. a good bottle of red wine.

It is a VERY quick and easy dish that puts a little Zing on the otherwise pretty boring and ordinary scalloped potatoes.