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Hvidkåls Cure-Soup Cure

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Hvidkåls Cure-Soup Cure

2canChopped tomatoes, canned
2Meat extract. cube
2000gWhite cabbage
300gGreen bell pepper

Instructions for Hvidkåls Cure-Soup Cure

To prepare the Hvidkåls Cure-Soup Cure recipe, please follow these instructions:

Cut the vegetables into small or medium-sized pieces and put them in a large pan with the tomatoes and chicken-power dice. Cover with water. Let Cook for about 10 minutes, then turn down the heat and let the soup simmer until it is finished.

RULES: to this cure to work after "Requirements", it is important you adhere to certain rules.

No alcohol since it directly influences on the combustion of the fat you have in your body. Wait at least 24 hours after you have consumed alcohol to you begin on the cure.

NO carbonated soft drinks (Including Danish water and other low-calorie soft drinks)

Drink only water, unsweetened tea, coffee without sugar and cream, unsweetened fruit juice (here are juicerne from rynkeby true good, among other things. Morning juice and 16 different fruits) and skim milk.

NOT some food that is cooked in oil-butter or other fats, bread or other products containing flour, sugar or sweeteners of any kind.

Day 1: eat only soup and fruit. You can eat all kinds of fruits except bananas. Honey melons and water melons have a lower calorie than most other fruits and is especially recommended. REMEMBER: drink only fruit juice or water.

Day 2: A day with only vegetables. Eat the soup with its fresh vegetables to you can not eat more. Eat vegetables raw, steamed, pan fried in the power of the soup, but prepare without using butter or similar. Eat mostly salad of any kind but avoid green peas, beans and corn. Eat the vegetables along with the soup (or eat them as a snack, here's carrots and cucumbers formidable). Tonight may you reward yourself with a big baked potato (Or several small half-baked where applicable) down a little butter or olive oil if desired.

Day 3: today is a combination of the previous two. Eat all the soup you can, fruit (except bananas) and vegetables. NO baked potato today.

Progress after 3 days: If you have eaten in accordance with the above the last 3 days and not cheated, you will at this stage be lost you between 2.5 and 3.5 kilos!

Day 4: eat only soup and bananas, and drink only skim milk and water today. You can eat up to 3 bananas, drinking 2 happy skimmed milk and so much water you want. Bananas have a calorie and carbohydrate content and high calcium which replaces the craving for sweets.

Day 5: today, steak/Chicken/fish-tomato day. You may eat up to 350 grams of pure meat and up to 6 fresh tomatoes (or an equivalent weight of canned tomatoes). Try if possible to drinking 6-8 glasses of water in order to flush uric acid out of the body. Eat the soup at least once during the day.

Day 6: today, steak/chicken/fish-vegetable day. Eat all the pure meat and vegetables you want today. You can even eat up to 2 or 3 steaks if you want, with vegetables (Minus the green peas, beans and maize) but no baked potato. Eat the soup at least once during the day.

Day 7: eat only Brown rice (rice), unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables. No: eat as much as you can. Be sure to eat the soup at least once during the day.

RESULT after 7 days: after the completion of the 7. Today, if you haven't cheated, you will now have lost you between 5 and 8.5 kg. If you have lost you more than 7.5 kilograms so hold you from the diet for 2 full days before you start all over again. This seven-day "cure" may be used as often as you want as long as you listen to your body.

Motion: It is in the course of the week is a good idea to move a share. The cure does not allow hard physical training since you are so brave yourself for energy but a good long bike ride in moderate tempo, or a good long walk. A little extra gardening or cleaning and slightly fewer hours in front of the tv helps your weight loss. Make sure all the time to get fluid in this way ensures you to your weight loss is not fluid loss.

This diet is originally for overweight heart patients who need to lose weight in weight quickly in preparation for surgery.

This diet is fast and fat-burning and the secret is that you burn more calories than you consume. It will cleanse your body of impurities (has a tendency to stomach problems are the really good against this) and give you a feeling of well-being.

Diet concentrate on a daily intake of an easy tilberedelig "fat-burning soup" made of vegetables and the power of the chicks.

The suck up burning soup can be consumed at any time hunger feels. Eat as much of it as you want and REMEMBER that the more you eat this soup the more you will lose weight!

PLEASE NOTES: in the cure to you on certain days eating steaks. In other words, fillet of beef BUT it can be replaced with chicken/Turkey as long as you make sure that it is cooked or prepared in oven (grilled) and the skin is removed. You can also replace one of the steak days with steamed fish if desired.