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Grove horn with ham and cheese

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 18 pcs

Ingredients for Grove horn with ham and cheese

100gWholemeal wheat flour
150gHam strips
200gGood grated cheese
400gWheat flour

Instructions for Grove horn with ham and cheese

To prepare the Grove horn with ham and cheese recipe, please follow these instructions:

The yeast dissolved in milk with salt and sugar. Wholemeal flour and wheat flour is added and the dough is kneaded smooth and supple. Raises the dough covered for 1 hour. Knead the dough lightly through and part it into 3 equal pieces. These are deployed into circles, each cut into 6 triangles, so that there will be 18 triangles in total. Advantage of grated cheese and ham on the triangles and roll them together to the horn from the long end. Put the horns with the tip downwards on a baking tray with baking paper and let them raise ½ hour. Brush with egg and sprinkle with nigellafrø. The horns Bake at 180 degrees in 15-20 minutes until nicely Golden. Cooling on wire rack.

Nigellafrø is the same as Virgin in the green. The horns are delicious to take with you in the lunch box.