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Fluffy rhubarb cake

Cakes in form
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 baking pan

Ingredients for Fluffy rhubarb cake

a littleDesiccated coconut
a littleButter
3dlWheat flour

Instructions for Fluffy rhubarb cake

To prepare the Fluffy rhubarb cake recipe, please follow these instructions:

Cut the rhubarb into pieces approx. 1 cm. Long, sprinkle 5 teaspoons. Sugar over and let it pull for a couple of hours.
Whip egg and sugar thick and foaming.
Sift the flour and stir well.
Then gently turn the rhubarb in.
Bring the dough into a greased form and sprinkle a small layer of coconut flour over the cake, but it must cover completely.
Take a pack of butter and season with a cheese cutter some very thin flakes of butter and put them in pieces over the cake.
Bake for approx. One block in a 200 degree hot oven.

This is so-called sugar bread, ie. A cake without fat in the dough. It is usually used as a lagkage bottom, and is very sweet and airy, so I can recommend putting well with rhubarb or possibly. Other fruit in. Can be easily served with ice cream or creme fraishe.