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Entrecote or Sirloin steak with Hungarian Sauce

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Entrecote or Sirloin steak with Hungarian Sauce

125gFresh lard
150gThick, sour cream
1500gEntrecôte or lean beef
200gGood white wine
300gOpbagt sauce flavored with mushrooms or Espagnole sauce to taste

Instructions for Entrecote or Sirloin steak with Hungarian Sauce

To prepare the Entrecote or Sirloin steak with Hungarian Sauce recipe, please follow these instructions:

Low first Gravy. Studded cut into small Squares and FRY in Butter. Tag Packed up and came instead the finely chopped Onion in, let this be browned. Com so Packed back in Cash, together with Paprikaen, an infant this role with the wine. Let Cook almost all the way into the fat of Cream and came so; the opbagte Sauce or Espagnole sauce in and then the cream. Boil this up once or twice. Set Box role on a corner of the stove or let it stand over quite low fire, without boiling.

The meat is fried quickly in Butter, salted and pebres and place into a saucepan. Pour the gravy through a very fine Material down to the meat, put the Lids on the Cash role and let the meat Cook finished in the oven. A few minutes before it is finished is complied with quite small round Potatoes down in the General role and boils along with the rest. When it is finished, the Meat on a platter along with the potatoes and pour over with the sauce, which should be very tasty and slightly viscous. Paprikaen gives it all a nice, pink Colour and a pleasantly distinctive Taste.

As a Variant, you can instead of Potatoes take a mixture of coarse opskaarne vegetables. In this case the dish is sprinkled with fine opskaaren lemon peel that is blanched in boiling water for a moment.