Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook
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Dumplings in Curry III

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 3 portion(s)

Ingredients for Dumplings in Curry III

1Bouillon cube
2tbspWheat flour
500gBreakfast sausage

Instructions for Dumplings in Curry III

To prepare the Dumplings in Curry III recipe, please follow these instructions:

Boil the water for rice up and add the rice

* Boil water and add the bouillon cube.
* Press the flesh out of medisteren and form to the buns.
* Cook the dough balls about 30-60 seconds in the water.
* Melt the margerinen and add karryen, let it "cook up"
* Milk is added
* Water from dough balls are used for jævning (i.e. the water poured in a little at a time and beat well until it is a smooth gravy.)
* Finally put dough balls in and served with rice and possibly. bread

Good appetite

the stronger the stronger curry sauce, depending on what it is to ...