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Bentes Greenland Cabbage (Sønderjysk)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Bentes Greenland Cabbage (Sønderjysk)

½Boiled white cabbage – chopped with the coarse disc in mincer
3-4packagesFrozen minced boiled Kale (the flat South Jutland)
3-5dl(or as needed) sky from the cooked smoked meat (pork and hamburgryg kålpølser)
5-6Cold cooked potatoes, chopped with the coarse disc in mincer

Instructions for Bentes Greenland Cabbage (Sønderjysk)

To prepare the Bentes Greenland Cabbage (Sønderjysk) recipe, please follow these instructions:

The day before: The thawed kale is added to drainage
Cabbage is boiled and chopped and added to drainage

On the day: The rest of the liquid is crushed out of green cabbage and white cabbage.

Hamburgers are brought to water and simmer for about 25-30 minutes
The cabbage sausages are laid down to the Hamburg back and cooked for 10 minutes.
Rests for at least 20 minutes. (It must be so early that the soup is ready when the cabbage is to be made)

The green cabbage (it's easiest to heat the cabbage in the microwave. Before the rest of the ingredients come in)
Get the soup from the Hamburgry and Sausages, as well as butter and cream, salty pepper and sugar.

It all warms well through, beware it does not burn.
Season with salty pepper and sugar.

Keep warm while making the brown potatoes, it takes about ½ hour

The day after, the cabbage is even better.