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Banana and lemon sorbet

Desserts (cold)
Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 6

Ingredients for Banana and lemon sorbet

1dlIcing sugar
4Egg whites
4smallSweet bananas (well mature, but not brown)
6Lemons + grated shell of 2

Instructions for Banana and lemon sorbet

To prepare the Banana and lemon sorbet recipe, please follow these instructions:

Blend the bananas with lemon juice and the lemon lemon peel until it is a creamy lotion. Stir the flour in. Whip the whites stiff and turn them into the banana mass. Pour the ice into a container with lid (about 1 liter). Freeze the mass for approx. 3 hours until it is stuck in the edge. Take it out and whip until it's airy. In the freezer, hold it again until it is firm. There will be about a liter of ice out of this recipe.