Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Silver ask

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Switch on the grill in the oven. Rinse the peppers and wipe them off. Place them all on a plate of baking paper in the oven under the grill until they are dark. Turn them so they are grilled on all sides approx. 15 minutes in total. Remove the peppers from the

Appetizers Shallots White wine Tarteletter ...

Lemon peel is cut into the tern and blanched. Silver beads are cut into strips. Scallops cut the cut and the sun-dried tomatoes are cut into fine strips and fry with low heat until the onions have finished. Turn silver beans and lemon peel in. The white wine i

Appetizers Corn flour Fennel White wine ...

The vegetables cut well and shake on the forehead (individually). Then sautéed ginger and garlic on the medium pan while this sewn is added to white wine. When the white wine is boiled half, add broth and smooth with maizena (which is stirred in cold water). T

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Clean the vegetables and make the pigeons. Melt spoon into a saucepan. Thoroughly rub the pigeons into the pan, then pick them up and keep them warm. Stir the vegetables in the grease until they are golden. Put the pigeons back in the pan and flamber with t