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Recipes with Shii-take mushrooms

Soups Carrot Handful of fine peas Chicken broth ...

Clean the mushrooms and put them to soak for about 10 minutes in lukewarm water. They then cut into strips. The chicken is cut into cubes, it is important that they do not become too thick or large. Bamboo shoots cut across into thin strips. The carrot be shar

Mains Sesame seed sauce for serving Mirin or sake Japanese soy sauce ...

Cut the mushrooms into slices. Inserts tofuen into 12 squares. Cut cabbage coarsely into 5 cm wide pieces. Com mushrooms, tofu, cabbage, salmon, bamboo shoots, dashi, soy sauce, mirin and salt in a large saucepan and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat,

Mains Ground cardamom Ground coriander Apricot juice ...

Cut the carrots, Parsnip and potato into pieces à 2 cm. Heat the oil up in a large thick-bottomed pan; put onions in and fry them at medium heat in 4 minutes, or until they are soft. Add the cardamom, cloves, cumin, coriander, turmeric, mustard seed, chili

Soups Glue both to server no Ground black pepper Finely chopped fresh ginger ...

Boil liver in simmering water for 5 min., let it cool off and cut it thinly. Cut the chicken meat into thin slices. Cut the shii-take mushrooms into thin slices. Heat the oil in a wok and fry the onions in it at medium heat for about 5 minutes, until they a

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Oven preheated to 175 ° c. Brush a small baking pan with butter or oil. Remove ovaries from Shii-take mushrooms and chop sticks fine. Saute them in oil along with the chopped onions a few minutes and remove it flared. Blend almonds, hvdløg, lemon juice and

Soups Oil Fresh chopped cilantro Leek ...

The mushrooms cut into thin slices. Leek cut into strips and FRY in pan in oil. Broth and chili sauce is added. The soup gets a rehash. Chicken breast cut into thin strips and place in the soup. Cooked with in 3 minutes. Noodles and cilantro are added and t

Salads Green Salad A little sweet chilli sauce Oil ...

Remove seeds from melon and cut the rest into coarse pieces. Mix them with the salad. Vegetable juice and chilli sauce mix and pour over the salad. The mushrooms toasting and sprinkled around. Served on its own or as an accompaniment to fish or poultry.

Lunch A little sugar Pepper Salt ...

Honey, Orange and lemon juice, fintsnittet garlic and water mix and cooked thoroughly. The mushrooms toasting for themselves with salt, pepper and a sprinkle of sugar. Mix the mushrooms up in honey lagen and server for a piece of toast or fried meat.