Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Planed Parmesan cheese

Salads Freshly ground black pepper Olive oil Basil leaves cut into strips ...

Bring the ham and tomatoes with the chopped side up on a baking sheet (like baking paper), sprinkle olive oil and sprinkle with pepper. Bake this in a 180 degree hot oven for 25 minutes, or until the ham is crisp and the tomatoes tender. Put spinach and aspara

Lunch Planed Parmesan cheese Arugula Salad Soltørede tomatoes (to taste) ...

Brush the bread with olive oil. com derefer planed Parmesan cheese, soltørede tomatoes, seranno ham and finally rocket on the bread, and folding it together to form a sandwich. Tips: If you like garlic, you can toast the bread a bit and rub it with a garli

Appetizers Fresh parsley Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt ...

Benefit the meat in one layer on each plate. Put mushroom slices in a wreath around the meat. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with parmesan flakes and salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with lemon and parsley. Serve with Italian bread.

Mains Planed Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta in abundant salted water according to instructions on the package. Warm garlic and chili in olive in a small, thick-bottomed pan, without that it takes color. Add the tomatoes, once the garlic begins to take on color. Bring it all to a boil and