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Recipes with Pandekagedej

Appetizers Pandekagedej Pepper Salt ...

Bag 10-12 small pancakes. Filling: Chopped onions are chopped in oil. Garlic and peppers are added. Chopped meat and peppers are switched. Let it boil 5 minutes. Sauce: Chopped onions are chopped in oil. Pepper and garlic are added before broth and tom

Desserts (patisserie) Finely grated shall from 1 ½ washed lemon Pandekagedej Vanilla rod ...

Pancake pie: Mix flour and sugar in a bowl and whip well between all the eggs. Whip the melted butter and finely grated ginger in the dough. Finally whip the milk and the pancake dough is ready for use. Step at least six thin pancakes on the forehead at high h

Desserts (warm) 1 large skillet at least 30 cm in diameter!! Strawberry parfait Strawberry sauce ...

Strawberry parfait The one tbsp. Sugar sprinkles over the rinse and quilted strawberries - let them stand and marinate while moving on. Whip egg yolks and sugar with a hand knife for a thick egg scoop. Whip the cream to light foam. Blend the marinated strawbe

Desserts (warm) Sugar Jams Pandekagedej ...

Make small pancakes of your pancake pie (eg rasmus lump pancake pie). When you finish the dough, start cutting the pancake so it looks like a pumpkin's head. Low f.kes. Small evil eyes, nose, mouth with crushing teeth or sweet eyes, nose and happy mouth. Then

Desserts (warm) Pålægchokolade Pandekagedej ...

low once pancake batter, use your favorite recipe, but any thin pancakes:p When you've made the dough, you start with putting a good knob of butter, or Becel. then bake you the first page in the normal way. When you have turned the put you 3-5 pieces pålægcho