Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Packages bacon in cubes

Mains Broccoli frozen as you like Handful of frozen beans Noodles (screws) ...

Boil the noodles Bake the bacon in the normal pan first while cutting the minima to the desired size and put them in the warm wok. When the bacon has finished, come over to the minima, 4 minutes before the noodles have finished, beans and broccoli came in t

Appetizers Chives Cream freiche Packets processed cheese in slices ...

Mix the cream freiche with puløg and garlic after taste ham into cubes, mix in and while fried bacon cubes in the Pan cut the tomatoes into writing and hollow-out flütene as much as possible. Put cream mixture into the hollowed out freiche flütes put the fried