Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Hard boiled egg in both

Mains Lemon slices Dill Dill or parsley ...

Clean and rinse the eels and cut it in pieces/slices, boil it and let it get cold in the boiling brine. Remove skin and bones. Foam fat of the soup and the si. Jelly: measure ½ l of soup and bring it to a boil. Smelt it macerate isinglass herein. Season wit

Mains Dill Dill or parsley Green Salad ...

Clean and rinse the fish, cook it and let it get cold in the boiling brine. Remove skin and bones. Portion fish into neat pieces. Foam fat of the soup and the si. Jelly: measure ½ l of soup and bring it to a boil. Smelt it macerate isinglass herein. Season