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Recipes with Grouse

Mains Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Wings and hoofs are cut off. The birds are thrown and shredded, the food is taken and disposed of. Then wash the birds, dry, fill with peeled potatoes, season with salt and pepper, set and tie with spoon slices, then add the brine and boiling liquid. They are

Mains Grouse To 5 kg. meat used Coarse salt ...

Picking ryperne, cut the head and wings of, take the entrails out. The redecorated grouse be placed in a serving dish. To 5 kg. meat used 125 g coarse salt 40 g sugar. 25 g. saltpeter (optional) Mix the sugar and salt. Ryperne rub with mixture. Style

Mains Grouse ...

Picking ryperne, cut the head and wings of, take out the entrails and wash ryperne. Boil ryperne in 2 hours in lightly salted water. Server them with loose rice and curry sauce.

Mains Red currant jelly Salt Blubber ...

Pick ryperne and take the innards out, cut the head and wings of. Ombind ryperne with blubber. Brown them in a pan in butter. When ryperne is Brown, add soup, cream or boiling water and a little salt. Fry over a low heat for 1 ½-2 rhymes and onto still. Smooth