Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Green Salad main

Salads Coarse salt Baguette Fresh goat cheese ...

Cut the baguette into straw slices (about 1 cm thick). Put a slice of fresh goat cheese on top (thickness depending on taste). Behind these by 100 degrees in the middle of the oven for flutes the edges are crispy. While these are in the oven rinse lettuce tho

Mains Chili sauce etc. to give a little power Onion Great canned tomato puree (can be omitted if the beans are in tomato sauce) ...

Brown the meat along with chopped onion and garlic and cook about 20 minutes with the beans and puree. There are seasoned with salt and chili (it must be able to be tasted but must not be pounding strong), a little dried Basil. While the sauce is boiling, c