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Recipes with Gelatin

Mains Terrineform on 10 x 25 cm Chopped chives, dill, chervil Drained Sun-dried tomatoes ...

Dress the shape with a double layer of food film. Fois Grass and chicken cut in 1 cm. Thick slices. Boil the chicken coke and melt the soaked gelatin. Build the terrain by starting with a thin layer of yellow in the bottom. Add alternate layers of chicken, lee

Desserts (cold) Orange Freshly squeezed orange juice Water ...

Sugar and water are boiled and the soaked gelatin is melted in it. Add lukewarm orange juice and finally turn into the creamy cream. Serve with orange fillets, turned in almond flour (mixed almonds) and fried on a pan for approx. 30 sec.

Desserts (cold) Brown sugar Chopped Pecans Peach juice (or orange juice) ...

Mix crushed grahamskiks with chopped pecans, margarine and honey. Push the dough into the bottom of a round shape with loose edge. The shape should be 22 cm in diameter. Heat the ferskenjuic (orange juice) into a saucepan. Add soaked gelatin. Let it cool of

Cakes in form Brown sugar Chopped Pecans Peach juice or orange juice ...

Mix crushed grahamskiks with chopped pecans, margarine and honey. Push the dough into the bottom of a round shape with loose edge. The shape should be 22 cm in diameter. Heat the peach juice in a saucepan. Add soaked gelatin and let it cool off. Cut the pea

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Milk cream (13%) Brandy (to taste) ...

Milk, sugar and vanilla boil up. The egg yolks are stirred together with 25 grams of sugar, half of the milk is whipped. Eggs are whipped up in the rest of the milk and alloyed to cream consistency over low heat. The cream is added to the soaked gelatin, which

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Milk cream (13%) Brandy (to taste) ...

Milk, sugar and vanilla boil up. The egg yolks are stirred together with 25 grams of sugar, half of the milk is whipped. Eggs are whipped up in the rest of the milk and alloyed to cream consistency over low heat. The cream is added to the soaked gelatin, which

Desserts (patisserie) Vanilla extract Water Baking soda ...

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C. alm. Oven or 150 degrees C. hot air. Put the paper in a muffin form for 12 muffins. Stir chocolate and water together in a small saucepan at low heat until it is even. Whip butter, dough and egg in a small bowl with an

Desserts (cold) some liqueur e.g. Kahlúa Vanilla sugar Hot coffee ...

Gelatin is put in soft Coffee is made and mixed with sugar and cocoa and gelatin dissolved in it. Cool easily. Whip cream and mix with coffee mix. Pour on the glass and cool. Decorate with a little foam. tips: So really good