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Recipes with Firm peaches

Desserts (warm) Skinny Quark Raw sugar Wholemeal breadcrumbs ...

Pears and peaches are cut in half and stones and core houses are removed. Scrape a little of the food and mix it with chopped apricots, rasp, quark, sugar and half of the butter. The mixture is filled in the fruit halves. Sprinkle with almonds and the rest of

Pickling Mixed fresh sommerbær such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, currants, etc Sugar Water ...

Bed sheet brought to the boil. Make a small cross at the top of each peach and let them simmer in the bed sheet in 3-4 minutes, or until barely tender. Take the peaches up and arrow them. When the bed sheet is cooled by, be ferskerne back in it. Put a lid o