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Recipes with Firm apples

Mains Olive oil (sunflower oil) Pepper Salt ...

The chicken meat is shredded. Carrots and strips. Apples are cleaned and cut into slices and cut into cubes. Onion and garlic are switched. Carrots are added and "roasted" for approx. 3 minutes. Add and fry for 5 minutes. Flour and peppers are sprinkled

Mains Fresh Sage or thyme Sea salt Paprika ...

Put the chicken pieces in a large ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper, and place the dish in a hot oven for 10 min 225 gr. Do apples and onions, and cut them in both. Squashen cut into pieces, and the whole mix in a plastic bag with olive, choppe

Mains Ground pepper Salt Small potatoes ...

Cut the fish into 3 pieces (cut the fins of if they are still on). Pat dry and put them on a plate with wax paper. Brush the surface with a little oil and season with salt and pepper. Behind them all the way to the end at the top in a 225-degree oven to warm t

Lunch Bread Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions coarsely and sauté them in oil in a pan until they are soft. Add vinegar and cook in. Pour Apple juice by, and let onions cook at low heat for only a little liquid back. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them in both houses. Turn the appl

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice from here ...

Celery cut into fine strips, apples peeled and grated on the coarse side of Slaw iron. Turned into sour cream 9%, which is flavored with salt, pepper, lemon and sugar. The dressing should just tie the apples and celery together.

Mains Bay leaves Pepper Peppercorn ...

Animal back freed from the thick tendon, which is sitting on top of the filet'erne. Fillets must sit on the underside. Cut them off and put them to one side. Back lubricated with oil and FRY 2 x 15 minutes in the oven at 220 degrees c. alm. oven, let it res

Soups Dumplings Pepper Salt ...

Prunes are soaked for a few hours. The eels skinned and cut into smaller pieces. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into slices, cooked with in the heavy soup 10 minutes before the eels, prunes and quartered apples accepted by. Koger6-7 min more. Season with s