Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Christmas salads

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Divide the salad into leaves and place them as sun rays from the middle of a round dish. Stir the lemon juice in the yogurt and season with salt and pepper. Mix the potato cubes and put it in the middle of the dish. Mix tuna, beans, tomatoes and olives and

Appetizers Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Set oven to 200 gr. Remove the outer leaves from the julesalaten and cut a bit of the bottom tough part away (not too much, because the salad or else fall apart). Melt butter without that bruner in a deep pan. Turn the julesalaten in it, sprinkle with sugar,

Sides White wine or grønsagaboullon Coarsely grated carrot Butter ...

part julesalaten in half and remove rootstock melt the butter in a frying pan and soft add carrot onion satur and vinet steam, covered, on low heat for 5 minutes remove the lid and cook still exists in 3 minutes sprinkle with parsley

Sides Sugar Butter Christmas salads ...

share Christmas salad leaves into quarters and remove the "Crown" melt the butter in a pan and add the julesalaten increased julesalaten on a low heat until it is ready sprinkle sugar caramelizes slightly and rose to it's