Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped fresh rosemary

Mains Freshly ground pepper Old bread baguettes are preferable, broken into large pieces Minced dried cranberries ...

Bring the bread into a large bowl and set aside. Melt butter Add onion and garlic, simmer until it is transparent, add foil and pour over the bread. Mix it up so the bread is soaked and let it cool for 15 minutes. When stirring, add dried fruit, herbs an

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Mix all the ingredients and turn the meat well into the marinade. The meat should preferably last for 4 hours or more. Grill the meat until it's tender. Server with new potatoes, fresh salad and a mushroom sauce. For dessert you may. Serve a raspberry red w

Salads Small red onion, thin cutting edge Pepper Chopped fresh rosemary ...

Stir ingredients for dressing together in a bowl. Share baby spinach between 4 plates. Share the rest of the salad ingredients between the 4 plates. Sprinkle with dressing.

Mains A little chili Pepper Salt ...

Behind the aubergines in the oven after they are pricked with a fork, for about 30 minutes at 220 °. Refrigerate them and crack them. Let the water drain away, and scrape the flesh out of the eggplants. It came in a blender along with the rest of the ingred

Mains Oil for brushing Groftkværnet black pepper Chopped fresh oregano ...

The previous day cast garlic and salt together in a mortar, add olive oil and shock forward, so it becomes an almost smooth pure. Pureen pour over into a bowl. Stir in parsley, oregano, Rosemary, thyme, Bay leaves, pepper and paprika in, so pureen becomes thic