Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Calf lump

Mains Broth The grove from the dill, the tuft conceals Pepper ...

The veal cooks well with the vegetables and the leg - it may take a two to three hours. In my opinion, it must be buttered. And it must be cooked the day before. Throw away the vegetables. Take the meat up. Point the soup. Pour it over the meat and leave it

Mains Salt Tomato-salsa Lime fruit ...

Mix Curry, yogurt, and salt in a spatial Bowl. Cut the meat into cubes of veal so approx. 3 x 3, so it can page on a grilspyd. Came down in the dish for veal Curry mixture and let it marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Tag then kødterningerne up and set t

Mains Garlic -beef broth Oil ...

Veal roast: Veal calf lump or Sirloin omvindes with bacon and laced. Brown in a pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. Add bouillon and calf some gruel is 2-3 hours. Potatoes: Potatoes peeled and cut in both the lengthwise. They pour into a heat-proof dish

Mains Salt Ground chili pepper Carnations ...

Plug the core into the veal roast nelli. Rub the roast with salt, and sprinkle it with a little chili pepper. Melt the butter and olive oil in a pan. Brown the roast on all sides by good heat. Add the wine, and turn down the heat. Put the lid on and let the ro