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Wild duck with mushroom

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Wild duck with mushroom

½kgFresh mushroom
2dlWhipped cream
2tbspSour jelly
2Young mallards
2dlVildtsky or broth

Instructions for Wild duck with mushroom

To prepare the Wild duck with mushroom recipe, please follow these instructions:

The redecorated ducks wiped and rubbed the inside with salt and pepper. Half the bacon cut into small cubes and put it inside. The rest cut into thin slices, there svøbes about the ducks, in which the ombindes with cotton yarn.

The ducks are brown in the butter. The boiling vildtsky or broth is poured by along with the cream, there also must be a rehash. The ducks FRY, covered, for about 1 hour.

The cleaned mushrooms Sauté a few moments in a little butter and sprinkled into the pan the last 5-6 minutes of frying time.

The ducks are taken up and kept warm. The sauce is brought to boiling point, smoothed with cream, småsnurrer a moment and season with sour jelly.

Remove the bacon from the ducks, and each and divided into 4 pieces. Served with a little sauce over it. Course is served simply with warm French bread and a green salad.