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Tarteletter in poultry stuffing

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 10 pcs

Ingredients for Tarteletter in poultry stuffing

White pepper
1tbspMinced parsley
2tbspWheat flour
2.5dlWarm vegetable broth
300gPoultry breast
4tbspDry white wine

Instructions for Tarteletter in poultry stuffing

To prepare the Tarteletter in poultry stuffing recipe, please follow these instructions:

The meat is rinsed and blotted dry. Cut into 3 cm long strips, which are sprinkled with flour.

The onion peeled and cut into small cubes.

The onions FRY cope in the oil. Add the meat and Brown lightly on all sides.

Vegetable broth, cream and parsley are met by Cook through without the lid on over a low heat.

Mushrooms be cleaned, rinsed and blotted dry. Cut into thin slices, and turned over on the Pan in butter.

Wine and mushrooms mixed with poultry stuffing and season with salt and pepper.

Tarteletterne warmed in the oven about 5 minutes at 150 degrees c. alm. oven. Tarteletterne make and serve immediately.

Accessories: Possibly. sugar peas