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Lactose-free muffins (also without glycosis)

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 12

Ingredients for Lactose-free muffins (also without glycosis)

1tspBicarbonate of soda
1.25dlOil/melted butter
2tspBaking soda
2.5dlSoy yoghurt can be used plain
2.5dlSugar-can be omitted or used sugar substitute
5dlWheat flour

Instructions for Lactose-free muffins (also without glycosis)

To prepare the Lactose-free muffins (also without glycosis) recipe, please follow these instructions:

Mix it dry together. The flour you use should be the cheapest of the cheapest. What you pay for on flour is a high protein content. That's what makes it suitable for fermented bread like French bread and that kind. Bread that feels like bread. Cool and airy. It is precisely what makes it unsuitable for cakes, which must be fungus and soft. So the lower the protein content your flour, the better for the cakes. It is fun to find it hard to find low-protein flour in the stores as they are only sold with flour with a protein content of 10% or more. But do not worry. Your muffins are also good with good flour: -S

Actually, it is enough with baking soda to make muffins rise. When baking powder gets wet and heated, a chemical reaction occurs that releases the carbon dioxide gas. There is the same gas species that yeast secretes, so there's no grumble in it. But if there is a lot of acid in the dough, it changes the chemical reaction, and the baking soda is not that effective. Therefore, soda is added which is basic and counteracts the acid. So if you get more oxygen in your stuff. For example, lemon juice or other juice, you will need a little more soda. Try with 1/2 teaspoon in the first place. If they do not raise enough, try a little more. In the basic recipe there is 1 teaspoon of soda. It is mainly because sour milk products are used in it.

Mix it wet together. When baking, the sugar usually belongs to the wet ingredients. That's because it has to dissolve. Crushing sugar is not a quality sign in one's dough ;-)

Fill it dry. This is especially true for moist things like fruits and marcipan. The layer of flour that sits on the filling makes it not sink down and lies at the bottom of your muffins.

Stir quickly around. You should not use a stirrer, whip or something like that. Finally, the dough must not be kneaded. When you eat plain yeast, it is to knead the gluten molecules out of the flour. Gluten is a kind of elastic adhesive that allows air and gases to be kept inside the bread. It creates the little "bubbles" we are used to seeing in French bread and buns. The more you eat, the more elastic becomes the same dough. We are not interested in muffins. A good muffin gives little resistance when you bite into it, and you can easily break small pieces of it and get into your mouth.

Pour the dough on the muffin molds that are big enough to get 12 pieces. out of it.

Behind 200 degrees for approx. 20 minutes. The usual knitting needles test also applies here.

Cooled approx. 20 min before being taken out of the mold. Allow them to cool further with the bottom in the weather until it does not stick more.

Principle # 1 - When I try new stuff, I always think if it's liquid-neutral. Adds the liquid to the recipe? In that case I add 1 dl flour per dl of liquid to the filling. It is clearly the most important rule to remember. Principle # 2 - 100 grams - 150 grams of liquid neutral filling usually fits the recipe. So there is not too much or too little filling in each muffin. Here are some variations I've tried and I can recommend.