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Gourmet chicken

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 1 portion(s)

Ingredients for Gourmet chicken

1dlRed wine
1/2lBoiling water
2tbspTomato puree

Instructions for Gourmet chicken

To prepare the Gourmet chicken recipe, please follow these instructions:

Rub the chicken, inside and outside, with salt and pepper, bind your thighs into the body. Brown the chicken in the oven on 250 gr in 20 min. on a rack over a roasting pan. Turn down on 200 gr Pour the boiling water into the roasting pan, FRY for a further 40 minutes Take chicken out, advantage nilli core both front and back on the chicken, rose further 15-20 min. with the back facing you. Sauce (made when the chicken is done fried), in a little butter, Sauté the giblets (chopped) from the chicken, add the purèen and a tablespoon. flour, stir well. Add the cloud from the saucepan, along with the red wine, whisk well and cook through at least 10 min. it tastes disgusting of flour, otherwise also boils the red wine in, and gives a better flavor. Small boiled roasted potatoes are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika, fits nicely into.