Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Turkey filet or schnitzel (280-300 g)

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Remove the outer leaves of the cauliflower, cut the cabbage and rinse it. Chop the peel, peel the apple and tear it roughly. Cabbage, onions and apples are chopped in the butter for 2 minutes. Add white wine, broth, rosemary, salt and pepper and simmer for gen

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Remove the outer leaves of white cabbage, cut the cabbage finely and rinse it. Chop the onion, Peel the Apple and grate it roughly. Cabbage, onion and Apple Sauté in butter in 2 min. white wine, broth, Rosemary, salt and pepper are added and the right simmer o