Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Lasagne sheets or 1 serving homemade pastadej

Mains A large handful of grated cheese such as parmesan A little bouillon powder Nutmeg ...

The fresh spinach, washed thoroughly in several teams clean water and afdryppes. The coarsest stems removed. Put the spinach leaves in a saucepan with the water, hanging by, and warm the Pan up to the water boils in the bottom. Turn the spinach with two ladle,

Mains Olive oil Herbal salt Dried Basil ...

To beetroot-tomato sauce peeled off them and cut into cubes. Hvidløgsfedene chopped finely and sauté in a little olive oil in a saucepan until it is glossy. Add the beetroot, and apologise for and canned tomatoes + evt. tomato puree with spices. Let simmer, co