Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broccoli water

Lunch Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Pancakes The eggs are beaten with milk. Flour and salt in little by little. It should pull in 30 min. Fill broccoli is picked into small florets and steamed. Milk set to boil. Broccoli water and flour is used for jævning. The sauce tasted with salt, pepp

Mains Bran or breadcrumb to sprinkle Nutmeg Salt ...

Cut the broccoli stalks into suitable pieces and boil them in about 5 mins in a little water. Cut the ham into strips. Put the cooked broccoli in a greased casserole dish and benefit the ham over raspet cabbage. Make the sauce of margarine, flour, boil water,

Sides Water Apple juice Broccoli ...

Cut the broccoli into small pieces and boil them in water until tender. Put it up on a warm platter. Cut the cheese into cubes and melt it in æblemosten and 1 dl boiling water. Pour sauce over broccolien and serve it immediately.